In this documentary-style series, we hear the stories of people so dedicated and passionate about their work, no matter the challenges. These people see their careers as more than what they do for work; it’s their true calling.
We filmed these two spots in the Fall of 2020 with a very small but mighty production crew, featuring director Haya Waseem, and DP Christopher Lew, who captured these beautifully on 35mm. Because of safety concerns around filming during a pandemic, all agency personnel tuned in to the shoot remotely.
Brand: Verizon
Chief Creative Officer: Andrew McKechnie
Executive Creative Director: Marc Sobier
Creative Director: Tofer Moran
Creative Director: Melissa Avery
Associate Creative Director: Viktor Angwald
Associate Creative Director: Christian Chico
Head of Production: Rob Beck
Executive Producer: Lizzie Haberman
Senior Producer: Marieme Sall
Head of Business Affairs: Debra Horvath
Production Company: Mirmade
Executive Producer: Miranda Khan
Producer: Gaby Leyner
Production Company (director placement): Epoch Films
Director: Haya Waseem
Director of Photography: Christopher Lew